Having firmly established its main market segments, SK-II is looking into exploring other markets to further expand their consumer base. These target markets are the men and younger women. As SK-II explores further into these markets, it needs to be cautions of its marketing programs so as to not lose its main consumer market, and yet be able to convey the values of its products to this potential market.
The campaign idea of “Polishing Perfection” sets out to tackle the gap of weak breadth and brand awareness, as well as the lack of motivation to use SK-II products, hence forth seeking to improve the trial rates. We do see the beauty of our consumers; they are prefect in their own unique ways. Nevertheless through SK-II, we will want to further beautify and sustain this perfection. From our previous researches, we have concluded potential consumers simply do not understand the value of SK-II as in – what, when, where, how – to use and are unwillingly to pay at the current price. We can possibly credit this to the fact that the current advertisements are now all moving towards experience learning of the brand instead of addressing the fundamental of why one should use SK-II. There also aren’t many avenues for trials, which is deemed important for new consumers.
Hence, the team has decided to introduce a series of marketing programs to
Awaken and address the need to use SK-II
Re-create the perceived value of SK-II
Re-affirm the Quality of SK-II
There will a total of three programs to “Polishing Perfection” and there are as followed,
Perfection through Simplicity
Preserving Perfection
Discovering Perfection