For our user focus group discussion, we have a group of female participants from age 22 to 57. Throughout the interview, they have portrayed themselves as knowledgeable skincare products users from the extensive beauty regime they follow as well as the experience and relationship they have with SK-II.
In terms of brand awareness, the users’ responses were quite consistent with our user-diary findings; that SK-II has high recall and recognition as the brand was named almost immediately when users asked to list the premium skincare brands. Furthermore in line with our analysis for the user-diary, most of users got to know the brand either through commercial advertisements or word of mouth which imply the fact that SK-II advertisements do reach their target audiences and get them talking about the product. On of top, they have shown no difficulty when recalling the various SK-II ambassadors. When asked to provide some names of SK-II products, users showed no difficulties in naming a variety of SK-II products in addition to their best-selling SK-II Facial Treatment Essence. With such positive and strong salience, the group thus decided to further test this hypothesis in the survey; SK-II has the top of the mind recall when premium skincare is mentioned.
Hypothesis - SK-II has the top of the mind recall when premium skincare is mentioned.
Hypothesis - SK-II is closely associated with feminine for users.
One of the interesting points to note is that like the non-users, all of the users have associated SK-II with feminine words like warm, beautiful, gentle, urban and elegant when they are asked to project SK-II brand as a person. This is consistent with their purchase behavior when these users (who are females) have indicated that they will purchase SK-II for themselves and female users like for their mums. With an image and brand feeling closely associated with femininity, SK-II might have an issue breaking into the men’s market. Hence, the team has decided to find out whether femininity is prominently associated with the brand for users and non-users.
Hypothesis - Users are generally satisfied with SK-II products but find it expensive as compared to other brands.
One of the key reasons these users started to use SK-II products was due to recommendations by families or friends. Despite recommendations by their trusted circles, users would still take time to browse through online reviews before making the purchase because they wanted to ensure that the product would be suitable for them, as well as take time to consider the “investment” due to the premium price of the product. The high-perceived risks together with its premium pricing suggest that SK-II can do more to provide more assurance. Nonetheless, after trying the products, the users were very satisfied with the performance, indicating high repeat purchase possibilities. Besides providing more assurance, the group would also like to find out the the perception of price for SK-II products among general consumers.

Hypothesis – Users are will continue using the product and recommend to their friends.
Lastly, few questions were also posted to measure their loyalty to the brand. Despite the products being too expensive, 4 out of 5 users shared that they would continue using the products as it just simply work for them. One user has decided to discontinue usage of SK-II product due to the perceived pungent smell given off by the SK-II products she owns. With strong brand loyalty and credibility, the hypothesis would be to find out the extent consumers would “live” the SK-II brand.
As we will like to understand deeper the perception of SK-II from a user point of view, we have conducted a focus group with 5 users. We have asked question pertaining to their feelings and the reasons why they have used SK-II. Lastly, we will also like to understand whether they will continue using SK-II.
Moderator: Hello everyone! Thank you for taking the time to attend this discussion on skin care products. So what brands come to your mind when you talk about premium skincare products?
Sherlyn: SK-II, Lancome, Elizabeth Arden, La mer, Chanel, Bobby Brown
Wanning: L’occitane, Laneige and maybe SK-II?
Sharon: How about L’Oreal, Cover Girl?
Carmen: Perhaps Dior and Biotherm too?
Wei Ling: That's almost everything I can think of… Clarins?
Moderator: Wow, that’s an extensive list! What about your beauty regime? Both day and night regime? Carmen would you like to go first?
Carmen: For me, I will use cleanser, toner, moisturizer and sunscreen in the morning before applying my make up. Then at night, it will be cleanse, tone, moisturize, eye cream and serum. Oh and alternate days I will put on sleep-in mask!
Wei Ling: I will moisturize after cleansing in the morning. And in the night I will do the same regime but apply some face-mask before moisturizing.
Sherlyn: I do think moisturizer is enough for me! Haha. But I do agree given Singapore weather, apart from just cleanse your face in the morning, it really important that I put on sunscreen before doing my makeup!
Moderator: Yeah, the sun is really bright these days. How about you, Sharon?
Sharon: My morning regime is rather similar to Carmen but for the night regime, I would use whitening of scars and lifting serum specifically on top if the usual cleanse, tone, moisturize.
Wanning: Yeah, my regime is the usual too – cleanse, tone and moisturize but I do skin reviver in the morning.
Moderator: Great! Okay, so what skin care brands are you ladies currently using now?
Sherlyn: I am currently using Physiogel Moisturizer and Mario Badescu.
Carmen: SK-II Facial treatment essence, SK-II Skin signature collection so like the eye cream and wrinkle specialist. Other than my Lancome cleanser, all of my products are SK-II.
Sharon: while instead of looking for the brands I am using, I usually will hunt for skin care products that provide the benefits that I want.
Carmen: I will want my skin to feel clean and moisturized the whole day, especially since I work in aircon room every day. Plus reduce the look of my eye bags and wrinkles if possible!
Sharon: I will want to lighten my acne and scar marks.
Sherlyn: I have really sensitive skin; so I really need my products to be fragrance free; don’t have that weird weird smell. Oh and it has to anti-inflammatory too.
Wanning: I am just looking for products that can brighten up my skin tone and feel moisturize all day!
Wei Ling: For me I’m currently using SK-II and Shiseido.
Moderator: So based on the benefits you ladies have mentioned, how will you define good skin?
Sherlyn: Even skin tone, No blemishes, no pimples or those moles, smooth skin
Sharon: Scar-less, small pores, tight
Carmen: Moisturizing, good oil control, minimize the look of my eye bags
Wei Ling: Moist skin, elasticity and perhaps no blemish and spots?
Moderator: Sound like everyone has this similar image in his or her mind!
Wanning: Yeah! Firm, Clear, Soft, Smooth.
All: (Laugh)
Moderator: So what comes to your mind when we say SK-II?
Wei Ling: Red colour, transparent and clear, rice (from the ads.. haha)
Carmen: Expensive and high quality
Sharon: Yeah, expensive on the whole, and the thing called – Pitera
Sherlyn: Anti-aging, no wrinkles, anti-oxidant and oh the advertisement that feature the small little girl
Wanning: Red and it’s a Japanese brand right?
Moderator: Yes, Pitera is indeed founded in Japan. Moving on, what’s your perception of SK-II?
Wanning: A well-established skincare brand and it’s a good product
Carmen: Facial treatment essence, Cellumination, signs up lifter, quite expensive but good quality
Sharon: Targeted at affluent users who demand good brand image and results
Carmen: Very good quality and very effective. I think they are quite honest also since whatever they advertised like for the qualities of pitera are quite true. The glass bottles are very nice but quite heavy so it’s difficult to bring overseas when I travel
Sherlyn: Pungent, I kinda dislike the smell a little
Wei Ling: For me I still perceive it to a expensive brand.
Moderator: So how will you describe SK-II users?
Wanning: They love their skin.
Sharon: Tai-tais
Carmen: Women willing to spend to maintain their skin and look youthful
Moderator: Do you ladies recall any SK-II brand ambassors?
Sherlyn: Qi Qi!
Wanning: And Li Sin Jie
Carmen: How about Tang Wei and Cate Blanchett?
Moderator: Any male ambassors?
All: Godfrey Gao!
Moderator: Will you buy SK-II?
Wanning: Yup! For myself!
Sharon: My mum and I
Carmen: Since I have it already, I’m actually considering buying for my older daughter since she has reached the age where she should start using anti-ageing products. She can just use mine first to try it out before investing on them
Wanning: Well, I will buy it whenever replacement is necessary
Sharon: Me too!
Carmen: Me three!
Wei Ling: Me four! But maybe for my mom and aunt too!
Moderator: How about you, Sherlyn?
Sherlyn: I kinda of buy them when I am feeling very rich
Moderator: So how did you first learn about SK-II?
Sherlyn: Advertisement, hear from friend’s dad using
Wanning: TV Commercials
Sharon: Yeah, their TV commercials are the ones that got me curious about SK-II
Carmen: I heard about it via my colleagues at work when we went shopping together
Wei Ling: There are a lot of ads about it online and on TV. Almost all my friends say the same.
Moderator: Where do you get your information about SK-II?
Carmen: I usually look for them to answer my queries if I have any. They are always helpful and provide a lot of information. I think they are more reliable as compared to online reviews and forums?
Wanning: Me too, I do read some of those reviews and forums online
Sherlyn: I got mine mainly from advertisements and beauty websites
Sharon: I just visit the services counter and hear from the Sales assistants themselves.
Wei Ling: I usually visit cosmetic blogs or ask my friends.
Moderator: So after learning about SK-II, what actually got you started on SK-Ii?
Wei Ling: My mom used it and I started as she said it was good.
Carmen: I was always interested just that I didn’t have the time to make an effort down. So one day I was waiting for my daughter in town and I decided to visit the counter at Tangs and the sales assistant introduced me to their products and really spent a long time explaining their functions. So that time I was willing to buy the facial treatment essence to try since it was their best seller. After using it for a month I was bought over. Haha. then I went ahead to like buy some other products to try.
Wanning: I only started using them recently but have always wanted to try.
Sharon: Reviews and results of other users
Sherlyn: Yeah, reviews are the one that got me started but I am currently not using them now cause it’s really expensive.
Sharon: I am still using them though ..
Wanning: Yup! Me too, will still continue using it.
Carmen: Yeah I will. They are really effective so I think if I have any more skin concerns I will buy products by SK-II to cater to those problems. Basically I do think they are worth the price!
Moderator: Ok great! We are nearing the end of our discussion! Now.. let’s say SK-II is an animal, It will be ..
Sherlyn: White leopard. Luxurious.
Carmen: Jellyfish haha I guess because they are gentle in their movement but yet they are really elegant
Sharon: Snake. Every time after you use the product, it feels like the snake shedding its skin and the new skin feels so smooth and shiny.
Wei Ling: Persian cat? Very elegant and feminine.
Wanning: Abalone. Luxurious but good for the body.
Moderator: How about a person? What kind of personality will he or she have?
Carmen: A warm lady who looks beautiful and has perfect skin even without makeup. She is reserved and professional in the things she does. She talks politely to people and is gentle with her actions.
Sharon: An urban female lady with elegant hands and clear skin.
Wanning: A vampire-like person with never ageing skin
Moderator: All right. Very good everyone! Is there anything else anyone would like to add? … Okay! A big thank you to everyone who specially came down to help us in this discussion!