Through our research, we have realized that the skincare beauty industry is quite fragmented and although SK-II has the highest market share, it was only merely 3.7%. Hence, we have decided to conduct a focus group for non-users. To facilitate the discussion, our questions are posted in way to obtain the key consumers’ insights about SK-II brand and the reasons why they may not be using it.
Moderator: Hello everyone.. thank you for taking the time to attend this discussion on skin care products. Talking about skin care products, what comes to your mind when you think of skin care product?
Gelin: Clarins, SK-II, Estee Lauder, Innisfree, Elizabeth Arden, Skin Food
Yan Lin: There’s also Fancl, Bio essence
Joan: Laneige, Shisedo
Moderator: Siew Lan.. what about you?
Siew Lan: I think of SK-II, Shiseido also.. and also Clinique, Clarins, La Mer.
Moderator: Anyone else have anymore to add? … alright then! What about your beauty regime? You can say your day regime then your night one. How about Xiang Yi?
Xiang Yi: Umm.. In the morning, I start off by washing my face, then apply moisturizer, primer and then foundation. At night, I wash my face, put moisturizer, apply toner. That’s about it.
Moderator: Alright! Anybody else want to share?
Gelin: For the day, I cleanse, put moisturizer, lotion then sunblock. For the night, I cleanse, scrub, put mask on alternate days and then apply lotion.
Joan: For me, my day regime is Toner, essence, and moisturizing cream. All of them are from Laneige because I find them very suitable for my skin. My night regime is toner, moisturizing cream then sleeping pack.
Moderator: Great! Chris.. what about you?
Chris: Mine is fairly simple.. Day I will moisturize and at night.. I will apply night cream after I wash my face.
Moderator: That’s pretty good too! Okay.. what skin care brands are you guys using? Shall we go one round again? Gelin?
Gelin: I use Aquatonale which is a french brand that I use from my facial boutique
Siew Lan: I use Clarins collection and Clinique mask
Chris: Mine is Biotherm Homme series and Primal Earth
Xiang Yi: For me.. I use Shiseido, bare minerals, loreal, clarins
Yan Lin: I use Bio essence, Biore
Joan: Mine’s almost all Laneige and once in a while Estee Lauder.
Moderator: Alright! Let’s talk about what skin care benefits do you look out for when you choose your skin care products? Siew Lan?
Siew Lan: I look for those that will reduce wrinkles and increase the radiance of my skin because my skin looks very dull when I don’t apply makeup. Moisturizing effect! I think that’s very important! If not my skin will be very dry and it is really irritating.
Moderator: I see.. Yan Lin what about you?
Yan Lin: I have a sensitive skin so I look out for those.. and after trying out with Bio-Esssence, it does not irritate my skin so I will stick with Bio-essence.
Moderator: Anybody else? Just feel free to share okay!
Joan: For me.. I look for pimple free, moisturizing effect. I also look at the brand.. from friend’s recommendation or from online reviews.
Chris: I look for anti-sebum and anti-aging
Gelin: Me.. I look for hydration, moisturizing, non-sensitive skin and natural.
Xiang Yi: Mine is just whitening.. and anti-aging.
Moderator: Very good! Now let’s discuss what are the important properties of a good skin. Anybody can just shout out.
Gelin: QQ, radiant, non-dry, energized
Xiang Yi: Clear, bright, moisturized
Yan Lin: Smooth, no pimple, not greasy
Siew Lan: Like what they said and oil control too!
Moderator: Okay.. So have you all heard of SK-II?
All: Yes!
Moderator: Good.. so when we talk about SK-II, what comes to your mind?
Xiang Yi: Expensive
Gelin: Premium, Atas, for the rich
Siew Lan: High class, miracle water, maroon, their advertisement
Joan: Supposed to work wonders, superstars and expensive
Yan Lin: Red and white, pretigious, whitening, “Boing Biong”, High-end
Chris: Actually I think it’s quite women-orientated
Moderator: So what’s your perception of SK-II?
Gelin: Same - expensive, for the rich, atas
Siew Lan: Quite high class so should be quite expensive.. products should be of good quality and effective too?
Chris: I just think it’s more suitable for mature ladies
Xiang Yi: Reminds me of crystal clear skin and full of celebrity endorsements
Joan: I think it’s a premium brand and you need to be rich in order to use everyday, and need to use SK-II whole package or set in order to see the “miracle effect”, if only use 1-2 out of the whole range of product, it won’t be that effective
Moderator: How will you describe SK-II skin care product users?
Chris: Mature users who can afford the product
Siew Lan: Rich women with glowing skin
Gelin: Rich and those in their early thirties?
Xiang Yi: Loyal
Yan Lin: Prestige, got money, high influence, professional, high position
Moderator: Great! And can you all name any brand ambassadors?
Gelin + Xiang Yi: Qi Qi
Siew Lan: I know Qi Qi too.. and Tang wei?
Chris: I know Cate Blancett too.
Yan Lin: Jessica Liu (Liu Zhi Xuan) and some other Taiwan artistes
Joan: I know of a Mediacorp actress that always say boing boing boing but I don’t know her name.
Moderator: Okay.. and who will u buy SK-II products for?
Gelin + Xiang Yi+ Chris+Joan: My mother
Siew Lan: Myself! If it’s really effective, I don’t mind paying to pamper my skin.
Yan Lin: My mum or maybe my friends as a gift
Moderator: And on what occasions will you buy SK-II skin care products?
Gelin: Mothers’ day, Christmas, Mother’s birthday
Joan: If there’s a promotion or discount maybe
Xiang Yi: If they provide a sample and demonstrate that it is good
Yan Lin: I would purchase it as a birthday gift probably but would not buy it for myself as I have sensitive skin.
Siew Lan: For me.. I don’t think there’re any specific occasions that I would buy but if my friends or sisters really recommend me and say that it’s effective then I would be tempted to buy and try.
Moderator: Okay great! So how did you all first learn about SK-II and where do you get your information about SK-II from? Chris what about you?
Chris: Um.. I first learnt about SK-II from the media.. from advertisements. And I get my information from the internet.
Moderator: I see.. the rest? Just feel free to share ok?
Joan: I first learnt about SK-II from advertisements as well.. from TV and I source for information on the internet too. I enquire in shopping centres if I happen to pass by.
Gelin: I learnt it from Qi Qi and the miracle water ad.
Siew Lan: I first know about it through magazines and TV ads. And I get my information from magazines because sometimes they will have reviews on it and also from friends.
Moderator: Okay! So.. you all don’t use SK-II right? What’s the reason for it?
Gelin: Too expensive.. and heard some bad remarks about it?
Joan: Me too.. I think it’s too expensive for me and not suitable as well. I think usually older folks use them.
Xiang Yi: For me.. I’m happy with the brands I am using right now.
Yan Lin: I don’t use it because I have sensitive skin.
Moderator: Any other reasons you all can think of? … No? How about.. have you all considered using SK-II then?
Xiang Yi + Chris: Nope
Gelin: Not really too.. satisfied with my current brand portfolio
Joan: Nope.. no money
Siew Lan: Yeah but I think I need more reviews or recommendations to like “motivate” me to try. But I will finish the new products I but first before perhaps trying a new one.
Yan Lin: For me, nope because I am satisfied with my current brands and I dare not risk and try because of my sensitive skin. In addition, the price range is out of what I can afford for skin care products
Moderator: Ok.. so talking about price.. what’s the price range of your current portfolio? Anybody want to share?
Gelin: My cleanser is about $30, moisturizer $60 to $70, Hydration lotion $30, Sun block about $20.
Siew Lan: Um.. my cleanser about $60? Toner about $80? Moisturizer more expensive, around $100.
Yan Lin: I use Bio-essence and Biore which is around $20 plus.
Joan: Mine is about $150 to $300 which includes the whole set. My regime items and pimple cream.
Chris: My moisturizer and night cream is about $100.
Moderator: Alright great! So in that case.. what will definitely get you started to use SK-II products? Xiang Yi?
Xiang Yi: If the so-called “benefits” are demonstrated and the prices are more affordable. I would say it is not for the young people.
Gelin: I would say nothing at the moment unless there is really raving reviews from people that you know.
Moderator: What about the rest? Yan Lin and Chris?
Yan Lin: Um.. unless it is cheaper and my skin will now show reaction to the product
Chris: Probably a complete set of skincare products for trial and good results.
Moderator: Ok great! We are nearing the end of our discussion! Now.. let’s say SK-II is an animal, what kind of animal will be it? Anyone can just say and maybe explain a bit on why?
Gelin: I think it’s like a crocodile! Because it’s exotic and expensive.. or just any animal that is exotic!
Xiang Yi: I think it’s like a penguin because penguins have really smooth skin, which is what I would expect from SK-II users.
Chris: It just feels like a flamingo to me.
Joan: Cheetah because it is cool and elegant? Like the king of the king feel.
Siew Lan: I don’t know leh.. maybe like a white horse?
Moderator: Alright.. what about a person? If SK-II is a person, what kind of personality will he or she have?
Siew Lan: An elegant lady who smiles warmly. Very welcoming and likes to chat with people? but not overly friendly. Very gracious too.
Yan Lin: A gentle and caring woman with long hair and an office job?
Xiang Yi: I would think a tai-tai. Relax and rich life.
Moderator: Alright.. very good everyone! Is there anything else anyone would like to add? … Okay! A big thank you to everyone who specially came down to help us in this discussion!
For our non-user focus group, we have a group aged from 22 to 5o, making up a ratio of 1:5 male to female participants. Similarly, though not users of SK-II, these participants have good understanding and knowledge about skin care product and their usage.
SK-II might not have enjoyed the top-of-mind recall among non-users as it has with the users’ focus group discussion. SK-II was not among the top 3 brands mentioned for most of the non-users when they were asked to name any premium skincare brands they could think of. However, all participants had heard of SK-II and could recognize its brand. In addition, some of the users could even accurately named some of the taglines that SK-II used and the respective ambassadors. Most participants did mention that their knowledge of SK-II was based mostly on the advertisements that they had seen on TVs and social media platforms such as YouTube.
Hypothesis - SK-II has the top of the mind recall when premium skincare is mentioned.
Hypothesis - SK-II is closely associated with feminine for users.
Similarly, most of the non-users associated SK-II with femininity as this could be seen in their words used when describing SK-II - Gentle, Caring and Gracious. Furthermore, non-users could also relate the brand to mature and affluent women. As a result, most non-users explained that that they would buy SK-II for their mother and only start to trial the product when they are much older.
Hypothesis - Consumers do perceive SK-II to be effective (perceived high quality) but expensive as compared to other brands.
SK-II was perceived as a premium and expensive brand among non-users. As such, price remained the main deterring factor why most of our participants had yet to try out the product and it was a product that only the rich could afford. Another key reason why these non-users might not want to purchase SK-II is the fact that the beauty industry was rather fragmented and consumers were generally spoilt for choice. Users were generally looking for the variety of benefits that the products could provide, and with these non-users currently satisfied with their products portfolio, they were willing to try SK-II only if its functions benefited them. Nevertheless, given the high price, many of these non-users did translate price into quality and acknowledged that SK-II could be an effective skincare product.
Association Map For SK-II Non-users