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From the diary entries, Siew Kuen can be seen as a simple and family oriented mother and wife who is a loyal user of SK-II. She cleans and cook for her family as well as go shopping with her daughters. Albeit her commitments as a housewife, she pampers herself by allocating time for her own hobbies such as her singing lessons,  mah-jong sessions with her mother and sisters and occasional TV programmes in the evening.


Siew Kuen can be seen as a traditional woman who does not explore very much with brands. Her usage of SK-II was through a friend’s 



introduction and not her own trials. Although she owns cosmetics, she does not wear them when she is working. Furthermore, she sticks to a single brand for her cosmetics and fragrance. Siew Kuen can thus be inferred as a lady who, although beauty conscious, prefers natural beauty.



Tha SK-II brand values resonate through Siew Kuen, who does not use much cosmetics and prefers natural beauty. At the age of 52, many women would have felt the effects of their age catching up with them. Siew Kuen sticks to the SK-II product regime from cleansing to moisturizing and this makes her skin feel more radiant. She believes that the brand suits her skin as it did not give her any skin problems since she has started using it and this further strengthens her brand loyalty.



Siew Kuen’s relationship with her SK-II’s products can be considered as ‘Committed partnerships’. Her love and loyalty of the brand is strong as it is the only brand under her brand portfolio for skin care products. Despite the premium the brand commands, she will rather purchase the products from duty-free shops when she travels instead of switching to another brand.



Although she knows of the brand beforehand, she does not use any SK-II products until her friends’ introduction. This may be due to the steep price that SK-II prices their products and also the consumers’ fear of the repercussion that the product might not be as effective as claimed. The 14 days guarantee can be further investigated as to how strong the statement resonates in the minds of consumers who are non-users of SK-II.



Siew Kuen.

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