From our 5 hypotheses, we can draw several conclusions.
1) Given the perceived effectiveness of SK-II’s products, we are surprised that non-users are not willing to start using SK-II products. We opine that premium skin care products or beauty products are classified as high involvement goods and thus, consumers need more incentives to get them started due to the high perceived risks from the lack of information or guaranteed results.
2) Users will most likely continue using their SK-II products as they have witnessed and enjoyed the effectiveness. However, they still do not find the price that they are paying justifiable and hope that the price will decrease. Albeit this finding, it is nothing unusual as it only normal that people find more utility in paying an ever-decreasing price for a product.
3) SK-II’s brand gender orientation is currently in their advantage as SK-II is currently venturing into both male and female markets. This is because amidst all the qualities that are associated with the brand, femininity is not the most salient and people associate SK-II with qualities such as elegance and affluence.
Based on our survey results, SK-II has very strong awareness as they have the highest top-of-mind, uncued and cued recall. This shows the successfulness of their marketing initiatives. Despite the high awareness of SK-II, the trial rate of SK-II is not as high. This is probably one of the important steps SK-II must consider that is to leverage on the high awareness into trial rates.
SK-II products are perceived to be the most effective compared to the other brands although not significantly higher, according to our survey ratings of different brands. Apart from the survey, the users from our 7-day user diary also stated that they continue to use SK-II products are mainly due to the effectiveness of the products.
All the other ratings of SK-II such as brand reputation, quality, accessibility and packaging are relatively high as well except for price. SK-II is perceived to be too expensive for its perceived value. As with many other premium products, we believe a higher perceived price is not too much of an issue for SK-II as higher price often leads to a higher perceived quality as well. Furthermore, SK-II is rated highly on other importance ratings. However, as the overall ratings of SK-II and other brands are very tight, they should come up with strategies to differentiate itself more from its close competitors.
The imagery of SK-II ties in deeply with their users as seen from our research. Their targeted segment, including the current users, are the affluent and sophisticated women who are primarily premium skin care product users. SK-II’s tradition and heritage are also well known amongst their users and many of the users from our observation can recall their brand ambassadors, who are also the face of the brand.
Consumers’ attitude towards SK-II is rated most favorable according to our fishbein model. Yet, the usage and trial rates of SK-II do not seem to be in line with SK-II being the best products to go for.
Hence, we surmise that consumers do not necessarily always go for the highest rated brand as decisions can be made solely based on one most important factor such as price. SK-II should work towards getting into the consideration sets of non-users and ultimately increase the purchase rates of its products.


Lastly, on the resonance level, SK-II has somewhat achieved brand resonance with their current users. This is as most of their current users from our research are willing to continue using their products due to their effectiveness. Furthermore, majority of the users from our survey are willing to recommend SK-II products to their peers. Also, even though two of the users have ceased to use their SK-II products, as it is not suitable with their skin, but are still willing to promote it as they have witnessed how effective it is on other people. Having said so, there is still much room for improvement as SK-II seeks to build a die-hard fan base of consumers and also to widen their market to get non-users to join the SK-II brand family.
From our quantitative and qualitative research, our 5 hypotheses covered almost all the aspect of the CBBE model except for brand feeling. Based on our primary research, there is an obvious lack of brand feeling amongst all our respondents. From both our survey and focus groups, the main conclusion we can draw with regards to user’s loyalty and non-user’s perception of SK-II is their effectiveness.
When asked, our focus group respondents replied with descriptions like “effectiveness”, “consistency” and “brand image of a prestigious brand”. The same goes for our survey respondents who are currently using SK-II who also used terms such as “good”, “effective” and “suitable”.
As such, SK-II has not been able to evoke brand feelings amongst their users such as warmth, fun, security, excite, social approval or self-respect. However, a tinge of security can be felt during our focus group interaction with our respondents. Most of our focus group respondents, whom all are users of SK-II, mentioned that the products were effective, of high quality and are very consistent. This can eventually be traced to a sense of security that SK-II will not fail them and will continue to boost their self-esteem, as most beauty products promises. However, only the sense of security that could be inferred. Perhaps SK-II can work on ways to improve the brand feelings and this will be further elaborated under our gap analysis in assignment 4.